As to the continuous expansion of Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU) activities, and in order to profit from domestic capacities of country to provide services to the world specially 'Islamic World', head of Comstech Inter Islamic Network on Virtual Universities (CINVU) was officially invited to visit IKIU on Saturday 6th July 2013









  The main focus of the meeting was cooperation in providing e-learning books to teach Persian language, course material development strategies and ways to raise the quality of education and research and bilateral educational related issues by Payam Noor University (PNU). 

According to, in the meeting which IKIU ChancellorDr.

AbdolaliAlebooyeand other deputies of the university were attending, Dr. Mahdi Javanmard talked about PNU and CINVU. "Based on the high capacity of IKIU in teaching Persian language and the high rank of Iranian universities in the Islamic World, CINVU should provide services to the Islamic world with the mutual cooperation of IKIU and PNU," the head of CINVU, Javanmard, added. He also said: "CINVU is an autonomous, non-political, non-profit organization, with international approach, that works under the support of COMSTECH. It is established with the aim of realization, monitoring and evaluation of its statute objectives. COMSTECH Inter Islamic Network on Virtual Universities (CINVU) was officially opened by the Coordinator General of COMSTECH, on Sunday, 8th January, 2012 at Payam Noor University (PNU) which is the permanent secretariat of the Network." With seven faculties IKIU could, suitably, meet various educational preferences of students, Dr. Alebooye, added. He also said: "Persian Language Teaching Center which has been hosted students from more than ninety-six countries so far, enjoying equipped language labs, library, and computer site will, definitely, create a joyful and memorable atmosphere for students to learn.

The Imam Khomeini International Universityis one of the universities in I.R. of Iran which is to be considered as a fruit of the Islamic Revolution. IKIU with six faculties could, suitably, meet various educational preferences of students. Also, Persian Language Teaching Center which has been hosted students from more than ninety-six countries so far, enjoying equipped language labs, library, and computer site will, definitely, create a joyful and memorable atmosphere for students to learn the rich Persian Language. Currently, 500 international students from 55 countries are doing their 22 undergraduate and graduate courses at IKIU. Country-wide, around 5000 such students are doing humanities, engineering, science, and medicine. The main campus of Imam Khomeini International University is located in Qazvin, Iran. There is also a Science and Technology Park near main campus

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